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bay of biscay中文是什么意思

用"bay of biscay"造句"bay of biscay"怎么读"bay of biscay" in a sentence


  • 比斯开湾


  • To increase the terrifying effect, bert rattled the tea tray and played the bay of biscay .
  • Bay of biscay
  • To increase the terrifying effect , bert rattled the tea tray and played the bay of biscay
    为了增加恐怖的气氛,伯特一面敲着茶盘一面吹奏着《比斯开湾之曲》 。
  • The pyrenees mountains , extending along the franco - spanish frontier from the mediterranean to the bay of biscay , forms the other mountain boundary of france
  • By around 890 ad 3 000 years later the practice had spread to the basque people of france and spain who hunted whales from boats in the bay of biscay
  • Western europe , bordering the bay of biscay and english channel , between belgium and spain , southeast of the uk ; bordering the mediterranean sea , between italy and spain
  • Here is a loving portrait of a man who lived for fishing , who had “ the bay of biscay breaking in his eyes ” , who “ spread the black honeycomb of his nets wide on the waters , filled them with the salt sweetness of the sea , lifted them dripping with moonlight and fish
    这是一幅以渔为生的男人温情的肖像描画: “比斯开湾闯入他的眼帘” , “在海面上,他遍撒下黑色蜂窝状渔网,将其浸渍于海水咸津的香甜之中,随后起网,便捕获到满兜的鱼儿连同月光。
  • Here is a loving portrait of a man who lived for fishing , who had “ the bay of biscay breaking in his eyes ” , who “ spread the black honeycomb of his nets wide on the waters , filled them with the salt sweetness of the sea , lifted them dripping with moonlight and fish
    这本书以温情脉脉的笔触描画了一个生而为渔的男子: “比斯开湾闯入他的眼帘” , “在海面上,他遍撒下黑色蜂窝状渔网,将其浸渍于海水咸津的香甜之中,随后起网,便捕获到满兜的鱼儿连同月光。
  • Having been thus harass d in my thoughts , my old pilot , to whom i communicated every thing , press d me earnestly not to go by sea , but either to go by land to the groyne , and cross over the bay of biscay to rochell , from whence it was but an easy and safe journey by land to paris , and so to calais and dover ; or to go up to madrid , and so all the way by land thro france
用"bay of biscay"造句  
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